Sunday, November 1, 2009

Post The First: A short introduction

Welcome to An Immodest Proposal. It is small, and it is new, but since it is mine I like it a lot and I think you should too.

This blog will be about wedding planning. "Oh, GOD," I can hear you saying out there in the twisted ether of the cybernetic web, "aren't there rather a lot of those already?!" Well, yes. And most of them are probably a lot better than this one. But - and here's the kicker, ladies and gentlemen - this one is mine, which means it is special. And here is why.

Reason Number One: Hi! I'm Grace. I think I'm cool, and you probably should too, especially if you're going to continue reading this blog without wanting to set yourself on fire. I inherited a sense of baseless arrogance from my father, which you will start figuring out soon if you haven't already. (He says it's not baseless, which leads me to believe I inherited my mother's honesty as well.) Also a focus on this blog will be Josh, my ~*~fiancé~*~, who shall henceforth be known as Josh, my fiance, because I am too lazy to type that twiddly bit over the e over and over again. I apologize for this, but I am not so sorry that I will change my behavior.

Reason Number Dos: This will not be a blog about my thermographic printed invitation suite, or my couture gown from Vera Bradley (although wouldn't that be hilarious), or how it is Very Important that All Of The Bridesmaids wear Matching Scarves Knitted From Angora Wool And Dyed By Artisans In The Artist's Colony Of Ubud On The Island Of Bali. I have very little cash and even less patience, especially for wiggly little details. I'm not going to attempt to feed you any nonsense about how "because what's REALLY important is that at the end of the day I'll be married to my best friend!!!" because really I'm just a lazy jerk who never spent any time planning imaginary weddings when I was a kid.

Reason Number I Am Bad At Math: if you are here you probably either a) care about weddings, b) care about my wedding (hi Grandma!), or c) tumbled across it on accident while looking for Roasted Baby recipes. If you are here because you care about weddings - you're planning your own wedding maybe, or you're looking for somebody through whom to live vicariously, or you just think weddings are goshdarned exciting and you want to read people write at length about them as though they were important - you are in the right place, because I am going to write at length at what I'm doing and how and why and how I'm paying for it and why I think that's just bloody exorbitant. (Have you seen wedding dress prices lately? JIMINY MACKEREL.) If you care about MY wedding (hi Grandma!), then you are also in the right place, because this is where I'll be talking about it. If you're looking for recipes? Um... sorry. I'm no Jonathan Swift.

Those are some good reasons why you should love me this blog. Please do so. If you do not I will cry, and then everything will get wet and you will be sorry.


  1. Actually, if you wanted your bridesmaids to wear knitted shawls or stoles, they should come from Haapsalu (Estonia), Orenburg (Russia), or Unst (Scotland), as those are the places where the infamous 'wedding ring' lace shawls and stoles are from. (Writing a book on that exact subject at the moment, actually, so I'm nerdy with that knowledge.)

  2. LOL... I don't, so I suppose I don't have to worry?

  3. Have no fear, Grace, there are plenty of other things you will get to worry about (OH HOLY BUCKETS OF FUDGE MY MAID OF HONOR JUST SHAVED HER HEAD AND GOT 37 FACIAL PIERCINGS AND THE WEDDING IS IN 3 MINUTES!).

    That might actually look really cool in the photos.
